Welcome gift exclusive for New Users only!

Your discount code is now activated and will be valid for the next seven days.

Get 15% off when you purchase here from our store for the very first time.

How to use your discount code:

  1. Visit our store and browse for the items that you like.
  2. Add to cart, at least one or more items. The more you buy, the more you save.
  3. Proceed to Check Out, and the discount code will be automatically applied to your order.
  4. If you do not see the amount being deducted from the Subtotal, simply enter "NEWUSER15OFF" in the Discount code field under the list of items to be purchased and click "Apply".
  5. On the Contact/Delivery/Payment page, enter your shipping address and billing information to complete your order.
  6. Click "Complete Your Order" to enjoy your discount.