Table Lamps
Shop for our impressive collection of designs such as Modern Minimalist Stained glass table lamp with all-glass outer shell or Ceramic bedside ornament light. They can function as regular bedside lamp, additional desk lighting for your study table or as accent lighting & centerpiece ornament at the entrance to the foyer.
Choose Dimming Switch option for ambient lighting or place the lamp in front of a mirror to radiate the room & uplift your interior decor.
For a reading light while sitting in bed, choose a lamp size so the light is not shining directly into your eyes from above your head. The bottom of the lampshade should be set about level with your eyes.
A Table lamp is more flexible compared to fixed mounted Wall sconce when you need to move furniture around the room such as a hotel room with multiple beds. Go for order & symmetry with a pair of matching lamps on either side of the bed to create a beautiful coherent layout.